Saturday, April 2, 2011

Halo Reach Daily Challenges 02/04/2011

You remember that Halo Battle Chess they did for April Fools last year. This year, they made Battle Chess. Check it out.

Moving on, if you've perfected this week so far, today could be your big pay-off.

Covenant-cide - Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking - 1100cR

Nice and easy, play a few games of Firefight, or just one game of Scoreattack x2. Nothing else can really be said about this. That's all there is to it.

Sweep the Leg - Perform an Assassination in a multiplayer Matchmaking game - 1000cR

Sprint, Evade, Camo and the element of surprise are your allies here. If you can jump down from a high place you can get this nice and easy. Invasion I've found is good. Lots of Surprising places in those maps.

The Little Guys - Kill 200 Grunts in Campaign today on Normal or harder - 1500cR

Stick it on normal and find a level filled to the brim with grunts. Winter Contingency, Exodus, Long Night of Solace has quite a few. Pick a level and have fun. It's only a normal AI after all.

Put Your Quarter Up - Complete 15 games in multiplayer Matchmaking - 1750cR

Just play. Simple as. Finish the game and have fun playing, that's all there is to it.

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